Secure volumes of post-consumer flakes and pellet

Sustainability targets and regulatory pressures mean the demand for recycled post-consumer plastic is increasing but securing the volumes you need can be tough. Since 2005, Vanden has been helping manufacturers to reduce risk and disruption to production schedules with long-term supply agreement of post-consumer material.

Our geographic diversity offers global sourcing capabilities and unmatched supply diversity. A team of technical and regulatory experts work with our procurement teams to secure material locally and globally, in the grade and volume required. Putting transparent, long-term contracts in place to deliver certainty, stability and reliability.

Vanden’s service is centred around creating a transparent partnership to meet your needs.

Service provider dedicated to meet your needs

We work directly with brand owners, manufacturers, and recyclers, to ensure PCR material meets required standards such as quality, volume and traceability. We can work with you to integrate PCR materials into your existing processes and optimising, even enhancing product performance, marketability and efficiency. 

As a feedstock supplier of baled post-consumer plastics, all the way through to recycled flakes and resins, we are experts in the full recycled plastic supply chain. Our team know where materials come from, how they are converted and the quality they become. 

Our focus on compliance translates into structured auditing and technical analysis of both suppliers and feedstocks, so you can focus on core business. 

Examples of the aspects we monitor and assess through our process: 

> Mechanical properties

> Flake size & colour

> Contamination

> Feedstock quality

> Processing & QC standards

> Volume available


PCR we can supply includes: rPET, rHDPE, rLDPE & rPP


Compliant at every level  

Vanden operates on a compliance-centric model. Compliant at local, national and international levels, we work with our clients to assist with documentation, certifications and audits, and can offer advice on meeting local and international standards and legislation.

Traceability is our focus, strength and the core value of our supply chain and waste management models. 

Our goal is to let you focus on what you do best, convert our recyclable plastics with innovation and sustainability in mind.

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